» 2009 February
Needless to say, the rest of the week will be crazy and hectic. There are so many things to prep, prove and finalise! I almost forgot how the adrenaline, the "good" stress, feels like during so-called crunch time. This proves, I suppose, the importance of doing well in classes; the foundations and disciplines derived from trying to beat homework deadlines and exam dates come back to one many years later, and can be a lifesaver or a "show" stopper, depending how well one handles it!
There will be many changes and additions to this website concurrent with the preparations for the show. Besides an overall "brighter" change of things, there will be additions to the Features section [»], such as the following tidbits a friend mailed in to me this morning (please click on the text link below the image if it should fail to load):
from Society Interiors 1~2 [»]
from Society Interiors 3~4 [»]
from Home Review 1~2 [»]
from Home Review 3~4 [»]
I do hope to see you all there in the show, however. There'll be some surprises, and a more intimate, intensive focus on new pieces and their genesis. I'll be dropping in by mail with a little something, so watch out for it! (And don't forget to leave your contact details [»] so I may reach you via email!)