» 2008 June
Congratulations on SENSO Designers Group opening!
Opening my mailbox on the morning of the 30th of May, and looking through the photos of SENSO's opening night, I intensely wished I were there as well: in the stimulating Panaman heat, in an evening warm with smiles and soft light, as the SENSO Designers Group [»] launched the opening of their showroom.
(With more photos at Social Panama Photo Archive [»])
I know Carlos and Juan well, and I am very happy for their success. With a precursor showroom in Chile [»], Panama should prove to be as yet another canvas to paint, if one were to take the metaphor of starting afresh.
Now what's left is to actually visit them (and the wonderful, wonderful country that is Panama––hmmn, this sounds like a call to a vacation!)...that is, if I can pry myself away from work, and away from this very possessive drawing board!!
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Speaking of drawing boards...the so-called "Life Between Shows" is starting to accumulate a very heavy workload. A common view, I suppose, is that the time before, and immediately after a show is where the crunchtime is. That is true, and there can be no doubt about the caffeine-powered nights and the short tempers and the glorious feeling of success afterwards. However, the "lag times" between shows have a different sort of stress to them as well: 'stress' literally, because if the time bracket around shows is comparable to the hard heat of pan-frying, then these in-betweens are comparable to a slow, but steady roast.
The drawing board is hottest of all, of course. With raw ideas as yet to be seasoned, I need to assemble myself, and to carefully select which ones to use for the next design 'recipe'.
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Labels: design-doodles, effervescent-effusions, events-senso-designers-launch, places-panama